There are many days that I sit alone
In the bathroom
And other days my head held high
With my friends and family
And I'm told
By only myself
That I deserve none of it
And that I should go back to my bathroom
But I am wrong
I deserve the love
I feel from those around me
And I should stop bringing myself-
Down is where I belong
Because it is where I am safe
From my own pain
And my-
Family loves me
More than I can ever know
Because they are wonderful
And they will always-
Love who they think I am
But not who I want to be
Because I hide myself
Scared they will-
Hate who I am
Because I haven't shown
them. And I'm scared
That I'll hate myself
And I'm afraid,
But that won't stop me
Because I am-
And that's all I'll ever
be. Because I am nothing
I am horrid. I am-
Amazing and unique
Because only I can be me
And only I can let myself be
free. I am my own cage
Which I should not escape
I am nothing
I am nothing
I am worthless
I am not worthless
I am not nothing
I am not even perfect
But I am me
Stop lying to yourself
You are nothing
And always will be
I wonder what would happen if
The moon drifted away
But we had
A self-sustaining colony on it
I am me
You are nothing
I am everything
Go away
You cannot run away from your own thoughts