Hello Internet,
God is an interesting subject, is it not? Christianity fascinates me. They have a wide range of beliefs, yet none of them can agree. Some believe God to have a divine plan, yet at the same time they believe in free will. If a person were designed, before they were even concieved, to be apart of this grand scheme, would not that take away free will?
What do I believe? Put simply, I don't. I'm not an athiest, nor a thiest. I am, and likely always will be, more focused on the now. The life. Not the meaning behind it. If there is a God, or some omnipotent being, then what I do in my life does not matter, for they will decide what to do with me after. If they are truly a benevolent being, then I needn't subscribe to their doctrine to gain access to whatever they plan for me. If they are not a benevolant being, then why should I devote myself to them? And, of course, if there is no being, but simply us alone, then nothing will change for me. I will live my life without a God, and when I die and it is revealed to me, I will have lived the best life I could, and no omnipotent being that truly cares for it's creations could cast me to Hell, or wherever they send their "sinners".
I will live my life, and I will live it well. Why need I worry about things that I can't change?
See you next time, Internet.